Monday, March 21, 2011

Busy Bee

Is it possible to be too busy? I would love to say yes but if I weren't busy I don't know what I would do with myself. Free Flow has quite a few events to plan in the coming days and months. I've been so busy I haven't had time to work on the new play that I am writing. It is exciting I must admit doing all this. I just hope people appreciate it and enjoy it. Oh, the play will get finished!

Much love,
Crystal Reign

Detroit Skyline
Crystal Reign

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Free Flow Poetry Theatre Co.: Events

Free Flow Poetry Theatre Co.: Events: "Brook Blander
Free Flow Poetry & Theatre Co. in collaboration with Detroit Association of Women's C..."

Monday, March 14, 2011


I am preparing for my acting class tomorrow and there is so much I want to share in this little time. It almost feels like an hour isn't enough. So I am going to go with the saying "less is more." It's funny people think they have to overwhelm in order to make an impact. When usually all that ends up happening is confusion. The subject I am teaching I absolutely love, so it's going to be hard to hold back.

I will share my life with you
Do not laugh or mock my love
For I will share with you my true desire

Crystal Reign

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feature Review

The feature tonight, March 13th Sunday, with Emily Rose, Deonte Osayande, and Crystal Reign was absolutely fabulous. I am not writing this because I was in it, I'm merely stating facts. The dynamic between the artist and the audience was pure perfection. An artist couldn't have asked for a better audience they were attentive and gave positive energy back. Exactly what performers want. It's not an ego trip either, it's give and take. We give the best of us and we just ask that a little joy gets returned.

Emily Rose was perfection, her singing was heavenly. She is surely blessed with the ability to calm, inspire, and entertain simply by using her voice and guitar.

Deonte Osayande what can I say about this young, gifted poet. His words were more than entertaining they provided knowledge.

Crystal Reign, well I don't know what to say about myself. If I say anything it will seem like an ego trip. I will simply say I hoped I touched someones heart.

The other performers tonight were great. The open mic list included Lite Shineth, Wardell Montgomery, Wryter L Bush, Timothy Clark, the Drunken Muse host/hostess, and many more. They were all great and deserve to be featured artist.

Acting Classes

For Private acting/audition lessons from Crystal Reign directly contact 313-355-4521 or email, More info to come later.

Much love,
Crystal Reign

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Feature Feelings

On Sunday March 13th I will feature with two other poets at Spirit of Hope Church on Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Detroit MI. The other poets names are Deonte Osayande and Emily Rose. Deonte is a poet as well, and Emily is a poet and songwriter. The open mic is titled Spirit Spit and that is exactly what I'm going to do, spit my spirits out. I am excited and nervous because I am going to get very personal with this feature revealing feelings that I have not said to those who are close to me, and who will be there. I ask all to send positive thoughts and prayers to me that night if you are not attending.

Much love
Crystal Reign